- Over the past decade, Fablab Taipei has thrived, establishing a strong local and regional community and forging numerous resource connections with the Ministry od Education, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Economy, cities, government agencies, universities, high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools. This has led to significant regional influence.
- The successful hosting of the FabLab Asia Conference, with participation from over 15 countries, including involvement from our new president, underscores our impact.
- We host Maker Faire Taipei, the largest maker-related event in Taiwan, drawing crowds of over tens of thousands each time annually.
- We've assisted our Ministry of Education in establishing FabLabs in 30 high schools and promoting them in over 20 universities.
109年度Fab Lab自造實驗室聯合成果展 看見創客教育的力量 電子報
- We’ve assisted our Ministry of Labor to established 5 Makers Bases around the whole country and also hosted a million dollar maker challenge bi-annual event.
Maker Bases
- We've nurtured dozens of Fab Academy graduates and successfully incubated numerous hardware innovation companies, actively participating in several successful crowdfunding campaigns.